With the mercury quickly rising, it’s finally time to debut the summer wardrobe. But while shorts and swimsuits are great for beating the heat, they can result in some embarrassment for people suffering from varicose veins.
Varicose veins are extremely common and usually aren’t a serious medical issue, according to the U.S. National Library of Medicine. Still, that doesn’t make it easier for people feeling sheepish about baring skin that hasn’t seen sunlight in months. To help you get a handle on the condition, here are nine things you need to know about varicose veins and spider veins.
1. Today’s treatments are quite advanced.
Modern treatments for varicose veins don’t involve cutting or scarring, and recovery time is minimal. Procedures are done in office settings and don’t require general anesthesia.
2. Varicose Veins can be painful.
Although experts say varicose veins usually aren’t serious, they can cause discomfort including swelling and fatigue in the legs. Treatment is prudent if varicose veins feel sore or heavy at day’s end.
3. You can’t really cover them up.
Although some people try makeup, the effect is only temporary. Professional treatment is the only way to permanently improve the appearance of prominent veins.
4. Varicose and spider veins are different.
Spider veins are thin, small blood vessels that appear blue underneath skin. They’re usually harmless, but they can signal weak circulation and the eventual formation of varicose veins.
5. They’re not just for women.
As many as 80 percent of individuals treated for varicose veins are women, but men get them, too. Men are less likely to seek treatment, however.
6. Your favorite shoes don’t cause them.
It’s a myth that wearing heels or crossing your legs are to blame. But standing or sitting for long periods can contribute, along with obesity, smoking and lack of exercise.
7. Don’t blame Mom or Dad.
Varicose veins have a strong genetic component, but you can’t put all the blame on one parent. You can inherit certain tendencies from one or the other, and the condition can even miss a generation.
8. Do blame the baby.
You can blame your bundle of joy, however, as pregnancy is known to contribute to varicose veins formation.
9. For prevention, break a sweat.
Exercise is the top way to prevent vein problems, so get out there and get active!
For varicose vein removal, visit a professional.
For a personal consultation about vein therapy in Los Angeles and varicose vein removal, please visit us online at www.YourLaserSkinCare.com, or call us at 323 525 1516.