Different areas of the body require different hair removal methods. While shaving, waxing, and depilatory creams may still work for lower legs and underarms, patients who are struggling with unsightly arm hair should definitely avoid these options. Laser Hair Removal is the gold standard for reducing unwanted arm hair. Read on to find out why you should avoid other methods of removal for unwanted arm hair.
Unpleasant side effects
Ingrown hair, razor bumps, discoloration, scarring—these are just some of the unattractive side effects that come with shaving, waxing, and depilatories. These hair removal techniques cause irritation and impact negatively the surrounding skin, not just unwanted hair.
Coarse hair
While hair found on the arms may be dark, it is usually soft and somewhat fine. That is, until you start shaving it. Shaving cuts hair off at the skin surface, causing it to feel sharp when it grows back. Shaving on a regular basis may also cause the hair to become coarse over time.
Time consuming and expensive
The average person spends a significant amount of time each week on hair removal, especially on shaving. And waxing is very expensive! In fact, average arm wax can cost up to $40 and typically only lasts about four weeks—that’s almost $500 per year. Laser hair removal is a much more affordable option, especially when you consider that this method offers permanent hair removal solution in about six sessions.
Laser hair removal is undoubtedly the best option for dealing with unwanted arm hair. It is fast, affordable, and gentle on the skin. And best of all, it’s permanent.
Your Laser Skin Care in Los Angeles specializes in Botox and Fillers injections, laser hair removal and IPL among many other services. Please call us at (323) 525-1516 or visit us online at www.yourlaserskincare.com to schedule a free consultation.