Wish you had the plump and beautiful lips most women find so desirable? With today’s lip fillers, you can have that look today.
It’s no secret that both men and women love the look of full, well-proportioned lips. They suggest youth, vibrance and sensuality. Adding a little volume to your lips can make you look and feel your most desirable.
Getting lip fillers at our Los Angeles cosmetic clinic is fast and easy. Lips are one of the most sensitive parts of our bodies, so we start with a gentle numbing product. This will take a few minutes to set in so that the procedure can be done quickly and comfortably.
Next, we outline the area to be enhanced. This shows where we want to add plumping to give your looks a well-proportioned, fuller look.
Then, the filler product is I injected into the lips. We use hyaluronic acid fillers that are formulated for a quick and comfortable procedure. Since hyaluronic acid is a natural substance that already occurs in your body, you can be confident that you will get the results you want without a risk of allergic reaction.
The results are instant, allowing you to walk out with fuller and rounder lips than you had when you arrived.
There is sometimes slight swelling and bruising, which will disappear a few days after your procedure. A little ice applied as soon as possible after your procedure can help with swelling and tenderness, allowing you to heal quickly and enjoy your new look.
At your Laser Skin Care, we are passionate about helping Los Angeles women get the look they want. Call us at (323) 525-1516 or visit us at www.yourlaserskincare.com to schedule a complimentary consultation today.