Laser hair removal is the high-tech way to remove hair from anywhere on the body. It works by using pulses of laser light to target the pigment inside the root of each hair – the follicle. Laser light is absorbed by the follicle, which damages it and inhibits further hair growth.
You can prepare for laser hair removal, and ensure that you get the maximum benefit from the procedure, by following these simple tips:
Keep out of the sun for at least 2 weeks before each treatment.
Tanning increases the levels of melanin in the skin, which makes the laser pulses less effective. Artificial tanning products have a similar effect, and should also be avoided ahead of time.
No plucking, waxing, or electrolysis for 2 weeks before a treatment.
These techniques can disrupt the growth cycle of hair follicles, and laser hair removal is most effective when the hair follicles are undamaged.
Shave the day of your treatment.
In contrast to the previous two “no’s”, we ask that you shave the area to be treated before your appointment. Shaving removes hair without damaging the follicles, and maximizes the amount of laser light reaching each hair follicle. Using a fresh razor will also reduce the chance of infection.
Avoid applying makeup and deodorant the day of your treatment.
If you normally apply these to the area being treated, don’t use any the day of your treatment. The Doctor will also give you instructions on what to do after the treatment to minimize any redness or inflammation.
Don’t hesitate to contact us if you have any other questions ahead of an appointment.
Your Laser Skin Care in Los Angeles specializes in Botox and Fillers injections, laser hair removal, vein therapy, chemical peels and IPL among many other services. Please call us at (323) 525-1516 or visit us online at to schedule a free consultation.