There are a very large number of different dermal filler products on the market, all with different characteristics and recommended usages. Whichever filler or fillers you elect to use, you’ll be interested in prolonging the effects for as long as possible. Here are some of the best ways to ensure that you get the maximum benefit each time you have this procedure.
Choose the Right Practitioner and the Right Filler
A medically trained and experienced practitioner will be best placed to help you choose the most appropriate filler (or fillers) for your needs, and this includes choosing the longest-lasting.
Different fillers have different lifetimes, although the time between touchups is also partly dependent on your metabolism and to a lesser extent your lifestyle. While hyaluronic acid-based dermal fillers can last anywhere between six months and a year, it may be possible to use other fillers with up to a two-year lifetime.
Avoid Excess Sun Exposure
Keeping away from direct sunlight is the best way to extend the life of your fillers. Direct sunlight (and to a lesser extent indirect sunlight) can cause fillers to break down more quickly, as well as being the primary cause of premature aging of your skin. Be sure to use sunscreen as part of your daily routine – this will provide multiple benefits, and help improve your overall skin tone.
Avoid Temperatures Extremes
It’s not only sunlight – hot or cold temperature extremes can cause skin damage, and may also accelerate the rate your fillers break down and become reabsorbed by the body.
Take Care of Your Skin
Avoid harsh skincare products, such as scrubs. In general, avoid facial massages, as this will accelerate fillers breaking down and becoming reabsorbed, as well as potentially causing them to migrate away from their intended locations. Stay hydrated – not only recommended for healthy skin, but also for general health.
Adopt a Healthy Lifestyle
Overeating, smoking, alcohol, and stress will all cause premature aging. Avoid these, eat a healthy diet, and exercise to improve your overall health. Anything you do to improve your general health will also pay dividends in extending the life of your facial fillers. Stay hydrated, and make sure you get enough sleep.
Follow Your Practitioner’s Advice
Your practitioner should provide you with more detailed instructions on which skincare products to use, and which to avoid. Follow these instructions, along with any other post-treatment recommendations.
Your Laser Skin Care
Your Laser Skin Care practitioners are medically qualified and very experienced in performing dermal filler procedures. We also have extensive experience with a wide variety of other non-invasive cosmetic procedures. We can help you choose the safest, most effective, and most cost-effective way to achieve your cosmetic goals. Call us at (323) 525-1516 to schedule a free consultation, or visit us online for more information.