The Cambridge English Dictionary defines rejuvenate as “to make someone look or feel young and energetic again.” Some of the best ingredients for skin rejuvenation are available at your local supermarket. Skin rejuvenation using natural ingredients is as easy as making a smoothie – and you can use some of the same fruits and vegetables in a facial mask as well.
While cucumber is the classic facial mask ingredient, that’s not the only way to use this versatile vegetable. Make a cucumber juice and dab the liquid on your skin. Let it sit there for about 15 minutes, then wash it off with warm water.Your skin appears fresh and healthy. If your eyes look puffy, place a fresh, cold slice of cucumber on each eyelid for about 10 minutes. The vitamin C and other antioxidants in cucumbers reduce inflammation, while it’s coldness decreases swelling.
Honey – Rejuvenate and Heal
A raw honey facial mask boasts more than anti-aging properties. It can also aid in healing, and prevents skin infections. Perhaps the simplest honey mask consists merely of honey and whole milk or plain yogurt, although you can add other natural ingredients to the recipe, including:
– avocado
– lemon
– papaya
Massage the mix gently into your skin, and leave the mask on your face for at least half an hour. Yes, it feels sticky, but a washcloth soaked in warm water readily removes it. When you’re finished, you’ll notice tighter, smoother skin.
Coconut Oil
Coconut oil is not only high in Vitamin E – one of the top vitamins for healthy skin – but other antioxidants that rejuvenate skin and reduce wrinkles. Just rub the oil into your skin – no preparation needed. For best results, use extra-virgin coconut oil. Extra-virgin oil hasn’t undergone a refining process, so it contains all of its natural elements.
An oatmeal mask does wonders for tired skin. Just mix 2 tablespoons with hot water, and let it sit for a few minutes. Add an egg white and 2 tablespoons of each honey and plain yogurt. Place it on your face for 10 minutes, and then rinse with warm water. Your face will look completely refreshed.
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