Botox has proven to be a very effective and popular way to reduce or even eliminate many facial lines and wrinkles. The effects of each Botox treatment are temporary, typically lasting between three and six months, and so Botox procedures have to be periodically repeated to stop lines and wrinkles from eventually reappearing. As a consequence, many have wondered if the long-term use of Botox has negative consequences.
How Does Botox Work?
It’s important to understand that the primary objective of using Botox is not to eliminate facial lines, but to block the facial muscles that are the cause of these lines. Botox doesn’t directly affect muscles, but it does block the nerve impulses that cause muscles to activate. A consequence of this is that Botox can only affect facial lines that are the direct result of one or more facial muscles activating. If you have facial lines that are present regardless of how your facial muscles are working, then Botox typically gives only very minimal results.
Long-Term Consequences of Over-Use
Over-enthusiastic long-term application of Botox can indeed be associated with several side effects. One effect which may be viewed as a positive is that your skin will retain its smooth appearance even after Botox applications have stopped. Negative side-effects of prolonged over-use of Botox may include muscle weakness as the facial muscles involved with Botox application slowly lose their ability to function normally. This might be regarded as a positive if these same muscles result in the development of prominent lines and wrinkles.
Judicious and careful application of Botox (in the hands of a medically trained and experienced practitioner) will minimize the possibility of developing these side effects. In particular, it’s important not to try to eliminate every single fine line – doing so can not only result in strikingly unnatural-looking results but also greatly increase the chance of long-term muscle weakness developing.
Other Long-Term Effects
Aside from over-use, long-term use of Botox does not appear to be associated with other negative side effects. It’s certainly very highly recommended to choose a medically trained and certified practitioner who will be able to analyze your medical history and any medical conditions that you suffer from, both in order to verify that you don’t suffer from any conditions that might reduce the effectiveness of Botox, and also to carefully tailor the Botox dose and techniques to your particular needs.
Long-Term Effects After Stopping Botox
Some express concerns that stopping Botox after using it for several years can trigger other problems. We don’t believe this to be the case, in particular not only will your face not look older if you choose to stop Botox applications but many of the benefits resulting from long-term Botox use can be expected to remain even after stopping.
Your Laser Skin Care
Your Laser Skin Care practitioners are medically qualified and highly experienced in performing Botox procedures. We can provide expert advice on the best techniques to address your particular concerns and will be happy to answer any questions or concerns you may have about our procedures. We also have extensive experience with a wide variety of non-invasive cosmetic procedures and can help you choose the safest, most effective, and most cost-effective way to achieve your cosmetic goals. Call us at (323) 525-1516 to schedule a free consultation, or visit us online for more information.