Botox is mainly used to reduce the visibility of facial wrinkles – it’s used to relax the facial muscles that cause wrinkles, anywhere from the forehead down to the neck. Botox is most often used to reduce lines on the forehead, as well as lines caused by frowning between the eyebrows. Botox can also be used to manage several age-related symptoms that can cause eyes to look tired and prematurely aged.
Sagging Skin Around the Eyes
Botox can be used judiciously to tighten sagging skin around the eyes by relaxing adjacent muscles. Skillfully used this can help to rejuvenate your appearance. Botox can also be used in cases where the eyebrow muscles cause the eyebrows to sag over the eyes. This can allow your eyes to open more fully, which also contributes to a fresher-looking appearance.
Drooping Eyelids
Botox may help combat droopy eyelids, but only in cases where the problem is due to drooping eyebrows. Drooping eyelids are generally caused by damage to the muscles or nerves that normally keep the eyelids open – Botox works by blocking nerve signals and relaxing tensed muscles, which are typically not the cause of drooping eyelids.
Under Eye Bags and Dark Circles
Botox will not help reduce these problems directly, but in many cases, an overall improvement in appearance can be achieved by smoothing wrinkled skin around the eyes. In situations like this Botox is often used in combination with dermal filler products.
Asymmetric Eyelids and Eyebrows
Botox is often the best solution to address cases where eyelids or eyebrows are not perfectly symmetrical on both sides – a fairly common occurrence.
Safety Considerations
Application of Botox anywhere around the eyes should only be performed by a highly skilled and medically trained practitioner. Correct use of Botox in this area requires very careful analysis of the problem being addressed, and of the safest and most effective way to achieve the desired result. Unskilled use of Botox around the eyes can even cause drooping eyelids – the exact opposite of the desired effect.
In many cases, the safest solution may be to use a different type of procedure entirely. Safety is not the only consideration – the goal of any cosmetic procedure is to achieve natural-looking results, and you risk the opposite if you choose your practitioner incautiously.
Your Laser Skin Care
Your Laser Skin Care practitioners are medically qualified and highly experienced in applying Botox. We can provide expert advice on the best techniques to address your particular concerns and will be happy to answer any questions or concerns you may have about our procedures. We also have extensive experience with a wide variety of non-invasive cosmetic procedures and can help you choose the safest, most effective, and most cost-effective way to achieve your cosmetic goals. Call us at (323) 525-1516 to schedule a free consultation, or visit us online for more information.