We’ve compiled a list of some lesser-known facts about laser hair removal that you should know before starting treatment:
- Laser treatment sessions are quite short – often taking less time than preparing for the treatment.
- Bursts of laser light are absorbed by hair follicles, which damages each follicle and stops new hair growth. Treated hairs remain for several weeks after a treatment, until they are shed naturally.
- Laser hair removal is effective anywhere on the body.
- Each individual hair follicle has its own life cycle, alternating between periods of growth, and periods of dormancy.
- Laser hair removal is only effective on hair that’s actively growing, so laser hair removal sessions must be repeated several times before all hair in a given area has been treated. Even so, laser hair removal is the most effective way to remove unwanted hair. Each laser hair removal session typically reduces hair by anywhere from 70% to 90%, and any hair that does re-grow will be finer. Repeated treatments can achieve permanent hair reduction.
- While it’s generally easier to treat patients with dark hair and light skin tone (where the contrast between hair and skin color is the highest), the Nd:YAG laser now also allows effective treatment for those having darker skin tone.
- The laser treatment is not painless, but is considered less painful than either waxing or electrolysis. Subsequent laser treatments are also progressively less painful, as the hair becomes finer.
- The most popular region for laser hair removal in the US is the West Coast.
- Laser hair removal is growing in popularity – over 1 million procedures were performed last year in the US.
- Laser hair removal is more cost-effective than shaving or waxing, both of which have to be repeated regularly. The lifetime cost of removing hair by shaving has been estimated at over $10,000, while the lifetime cost of waxing procedures can be more than $23,000! Not counting the time spent having to regularly repeating these treatments.
- Laser treatment may increase your sensitivity to direct sunlight, which should be avoided for several weeks before and after each treatment. As several visits are typically required, and the complete course of treatment could take up to six months, it may make sense to try to avoid the summer months when scheduling treatments.
- Laser hair removal is also particularly beneficial for those who suffer from ingrown hairs. Laser hair removal avoids situations where the hair follicle becomes infected, when antibiotics might have to be prescribed.
Your Laser Skin Care in Los Angeles specializes in Botox and Fillers injections, laser hair removal, vein therapy, chemical peels and IPL among many other services. Please call us at (323) 525-1516 or visit us online at www.yourlaserskincare.com to schedule a free consultation.