
CoolSculpting uses localized cooling pads to cool unwanted fat deposits down to a temperature at which fat cells will be killed off, without damaging adjacent skin cells. Damaged fat cells will then be naturally eliminated from the body in the weeks and months following treatment. The CoolSculpting cooling pads allow fat cells in specific areas to be targeted, while having no effect on adjacent areas. This allows a skilled practitioner to effectively re-contour selected body areas by gradually removing unwanted fat cells. CoolSculpting has rapidly gained acceptance, and is now the most popular fat-loss procedure.

Primary Advantages

CoolSculpting allows targeted elimination of subcutaneous fat from many body areas, most notably including under the chin, lower and upper arms, inner and outer thighs, stomach, and sides of the abdomen. It’s a non-invasive technique, which greatly reduces the chance of developing any complications.
CoolSculpting relies on the body’s natural processes to eliminate unwanted fat after treatment, which results in gradual fat loss. This is significant, as it allows the process of losing fat after treatment to look natural. This way you don’t have to explain away any sudden, unnatural-looking changes to your body shape.


Each CoolSculpting treatment can only affect a certain percentage of the fat cells in a specific area, hence several treatments will normally be needed to achieve desired results. CoolSculpting won’t eliminate all fat cells – this is a good thing, as a primary objective of the procedure is to create natural-looking results.
Even though eliminated fat cells can’t come back after treatment, existing fat cells can still grow in size. This is why CoolSculpting can never guarantee that you can’t gain weight after treatment – and also why CoolSculpting should never be considered as a way to lose weight.

Possible Side-Effects

Side effects from the CoolSculpting procedure are exceedingly rare, and typically are of only short duration. They can include short-term bruising, minor swelling, temporary redness, and even more rarely, increased sensitivity or localized pain in the treated area.


As we recently advised, women should avoid CoolSculpting while pregnant, as well as for several months after giving birth. There are also several unusual medical conditions with which CoolSculpting is not advised – it’s highly recommended to consult with a doctor thoroughly familiar with the CoolSculpting procedure before undertaking treatment.

Results Depend on the Practitioner’s Skill

Regardless of the sophistication of the equipment used, ultimately the quality of the results achieved by CoolSculpting are determined by the skill, experience, and esthetic judgment of the practitioner performing the procedure. Unfortunately, this also means that some patients whose CoolSculpting was performed by inadequately experienced practitioners have ended up with less-than-satisfactory results. We highly recommend being very selective about who you decide to trust to perform your CoolSculpting procedure.

Your Laser Skin Care

Your Laser Skin Care practitioners are medically qualified, and highly experienced in the application of CoolSculpting. We can provide you with expert advice on how best to use CoolSculpting to address your particular concerns, and will be happy to answer any questions or concerns you may have about using the procedure. We also have extensive experience with a wide variety of other non-invasive cosmetic procedures, and can help you choose the safest, most effective, and most cost-effective way to achieve your cosmetic goals. Call us at (323) 525-1516 to schedule a free consultation, or visit us online for more information.

Following childbirth (whether naturally or via cesarean section), many women are left with stubborn fat deposits, especially in the lower stomach area. CoolSculpting is an effective non-invasive procedure designed to reduce or eliminate unwanted fat, so increasing numbers of women consider CoolSculpting after childbirth. There are, however, certain factors that must be taken into consideration before CoolSculpting can be recommended.

Post-Childbirth Recovery

General medical opinion is that it’s best to wait six months following childbirth before undergoing any cosmetic procedures, including non-invasive ones. This gives your body the time to fully recover from the significant changes that it undergoes during pregnancy and will also give your body the opportunity to lose much of the fat gained during pregnancy naturally.

Post-Breastfeeding Recovery

Pregnancy and childbirth are not the only causes of stress to your body – breastfeeding also involves significant changes to your metabolism and brings with it major changes in the way that your body manages fat, which is, of course, needed to produce nutritious milk when breastfeeding. We recommend waiting a further three to six months after stopping breastfeeding before considering CoolSculpting.

C-Sections and CoolSculpting

Cesarean births require additional recovery time – typically in the four to six weeks range, but often result in a flabby pouch forming above the C-section scar. This pouch normally reduces over time but may never totally disappear. The pouch is partly due to excess skin, the natural result of your pregnancy, but is primarily due to excess fat deposits.

Some women are able to reduce or even eliminate this pouch through diet and exercise; others may not be so fortunate.

The good news is that CoolSculpting is able to reduce this pouch in most cases substantially. You’ll need to be evaluated by a medically qualified CoolSculpting practitioner, who will be able to advise you if you’re a good candidate for fat reduction using CoolSculpting. 

Treatment Timeline

Multiple CoolSculpting treatments are required in almost all cases. Each procedure removes up to 25% of fat cells in the area being treated, so multiple sessions are usually needed to achieve maximum fat removal. Fat cells in the treated area will be naturally eliminated from the body in the weeks and months that follow. 

Weight Loss and CoolSculpting

There’s one area where CoolSculpting cannot help – although the procedure is an effective way to reduce or eliminate subcutaneous fat in many parts of the body, it is not intended to be used as a way to lose weight. This is primarily because CoolSculpting can only address fat deposits that lay close to the skin – the same fat deposits that cause the majority of cosmetic issues. CoolSculpting cannot affect other fat deposits, such as the visceral fat deposits that surround abdominal organs deeper inside the body. For this reason, CoolSculpting should not be considered a substitute for exercise and eating a healthy diet.

Quality of Results

If you decide to proceed with CoolSculpting, you will need to pay attention to the practitioner’s skill and experience – getting a natural and symmetrical “look” actually requires considerable skill on the part of the person performing the procedure. It’s unfortunately quite possible to be left with “lumpy” uneven skin after treatment if the practitioner is inexperienced or the procedure is rushed. So, do your homework before deciding where to go.

Your Laser Skin Care

Your Laser Skin Care’s medical professionals are qualified and highly experienced in the application of CoolSculpting. We can provide you with expert advice on how best to use CoolSculpting to address your particular concerns and will be happy to answer any questions or concerns you may have about using the procedure to address belly pouches or unwanted fat in other areas. We also have extensive experience with a wide variety of other non-invasive cosmetic procedures and can help you choose the safest, most effective, and most cost-effective way to achieve your cosmetic goals. Call us at (323) 525-1516 to schedule a free consultation, or visit us online for more information.

botox chin lift

CoolSculpting is a non-invasive fat-reduction technique that relies on the fact that fat cells are more sensitive to low temperatures than other skin cells. By lowering the skin temperature to near freezing, it’s possible to damage (and ultimately kill off) subcutaneous fat cells while leaving surrounding skin cells undamaged.

The Chin Area

The chin area is one of the body parts that traditionally resist weight loss – it’s not possible to target this area directly through exercise. For many people, fat deposits in this area are particularly stubborn.

During the CoolSculpting procedure, the area being treated is squeezed between two cooling pads. These pads cool adjacent skin to the precise temperature at which fat cells can be damaged; suction is also used to maximize the cooling effect. The area under the chin and jawline is very well placed to facilitate the efficient use of CoolSculpting pads, as the skin can easily be manipulated to isolate undesired fat deposits.

Treatment Timeline

Each CoolSculpting treatment is capable of removing up to 25% of the fat cells in the treated area – for this reason, multiple sessions will normally be performed. Results are not seen immediately following treatment – individual damaged fat cells are naturally eliminated from the body in the weeks and months following treatment. Although this has the advantage of making any fat loss look natural, it does mean that the benefits of CoolSculpting sessions will take some time to become fully apparent. 

Permanency of Results

CoolSculpting works by damaging and ultimately killing off a certain percentage of unwanted fat cells in the area being treated. Fat cells, once killed, are not replaced, and hence fat loss achieved through the use of CoolSculpting is permanent. This does not mean, however, that it’s impossible to regain fat after successful treatment. Although CoolSculpting kills off fat cells, it’s not possible (or even desirable) to kill all fat cells in any given area. 

A single CoolSculpting treatment only affects up to 25% of fat cells in the treated area, and hence many fat cells will remain, even after multiple treatments. These remaining fat cells are quite capable of increasing in size if you continue to eat a poor diet or if you avoid general exercise after treatment.

Skillful Practitioners

Using the CoolSculpting procedure to achieve natural-looking results requires considerable skill on the part of the practitioner. The CoolSculpting pads allow fat to be eliminated, but the precise positioning and use of the cooling pads is crucial to achieving efficient fat loss while ensuring that the overall contours of the body remain balanced and attractive. Massaging the treated areas is also part of each CoolSculpting session and further aids in achieving well-balanced fat loss.

Your Laser Skin Care

Your Laser Skin Care is medically qualified and highly experienced in the application of CoolSculpting. We can provide you with expert advice on how best to use CoolSculpting to address your particular concerns and will be happy to answer any questions or concerns you may have about the procedure. We also have extensive experience with a wide variety of other non-invasive cosmetic procedures and can help you choose the safest, most effective, and most cost-effective way to achieve your cosmetic goals. Call us at (323) 525-1516 to schedule a free consultation, or visit us online for more information.

Laser hair removal is a popular choice for those who wish to avoid the inconvenience, discomfort, and expense that come with having to schedule shaving or waxing sessions regularly.

Laser hair removal is a highly effective technique for removing hair, but it generally requires several treatments to prevent hair growth from returning fully. To understand why a single treatment is seldom enough, one must first understand the cyclic nature of hair growth.

Active vs Dormant Growth Phases

At any given time, individual hair follicles are either actively growing or dormant. Each follicle follows its own schedule, cycling between these two significant states every four to six weeks. Individual follicles do not synchronize with each other, so only a subset of the hair follicles in any body area will be in their growth phase at the time your laser hair removal treatment is performed.

Laser Energy and Growth Phases

The laser is able to remove hair by focusing its light energy on individual hair follicles. If the laser frequency is correctly tuned to match the hair color, then the hair follicle will absorb the light energy, heat up, and become damaged. Eventually, the hair shaft will fall out, and the hair follicle will die. But this whole process only happens when the hair follicle is in its active growth phase.

Effective Laser Hair Removal Scheduling

To achieve effective hair removal, it’s necessary to repeat the laser hair removal procedure several times before all hair follicles in the chosen area have been effectively treated. Generally, individual treatments are repeated after a four to six-week delay and may have to be repeated at least six times before complete hair removal is achieved. 

Even after six treatments, you may find that some hair will eventually re-grow. However, any hairs that do re-grow are typically much finer and lighter-colored than your original hair was. It may sometimes be necessary to perform additional treatments at much longer intervals, but the need for these maintenance treatments will also reduce over time, and eventually should stop completely.

Your Laser Skin Care

Your Laser Skin Care can advise you on the best ways to benefit from laser hair removal and answer any questions you may have. We have extensive experience providing laser hair removal on all skin types and offer a wide range of other cosmetic procedures. We can help you choose the most effective and cost-effective way to achieve your cosmetic goals. Call us at (323) 525-1516 to schedule a free consultation, or visit us online for more information.

CoolSculpting enables permanent fat loss in selective areas of the body, using a non-invasive (non-surgical) procedure that is safe, convenient, and effective. CoolSculpting uses carefully controlled and monitored cooling pads to damage unwanted fat cells selectively, after which they’re naturally eliminated from the body. Perhaps the most attractive aspect of the procedure is that the body does not regenerate that fat cells, so fat loss through the procedure is permanent. Consequently, the technique is fast becoming one of our most popular procedures.

We’ve heard some concerns that CoolSculpting may not be appropriate for all potential patients, particularly those with diabetes or pre-diabetes.

The first thing to state clearly is that CoolSculpting is a cosmetic procedure intended to allow unwanted fat deposits to be reduced or eliminated. It is not advertised as a weight-loss technique. You should not consider CoolSculpting as an effective way to lose weight, reduce cholesterol, or have any other health-related benefits. Given that CoolSculpting does not have health-related benefits, the question remains as to whether it can have any adverse health-related effects.

Intrinsically Safe

CoolSculpting removes fat by selectively cooling fat cells to the specific temperature at which they begin to freeze. As fat cells start to solidify, they are damaged, causing them to die, after which they are naturally eliminated from the body over the days and weeks following treatment. The cooling process is carefully designed to avoid damaging any other cells in the body – this is possible because fat cells are particularly sensitive to temperature and because they are affected by temperatures that other body cells can tolerate without damage. A major plus with CoolSculpting is the way it uses the body’s natural processes to remove unwanted fat cells.

CoolSculpting with Type 1 and Type 2 Diabetes

The CoolSculpting procedure is FDA-approved for use on the chin, abdomen, flanks, inner and outer thighs, upper arms, as well as for fat deposits on the back and sides of the chest. It’s also widely used in other body areas, such as ankles and knees. The FDA approval does not exclude patients with diabetes from having access to CoolSculpting.

There are several accounts in the literature that document the use of CoolSculpting on patients with both type 1 and type 2 diabetes, describing the successful use of the procedure. There, however, have been concerns expressed that the cryolipolysis that forms the basis of the CoolSculpting procedure can theoretically contribute to metabolic syndrome, which is one of the contributors to type 2 diabetes. We don’t believe that this represents a significant factor in the vast majority of cases – loss of body fat from CoolSculpting is more likely to result in metabolic benefits.

CoolSculpting with Insulin Pumps

CoolSculpting might interfere with the use of insulin pumps – consequently, we would recommend avoiding performing CoolSculpting procedure on body areas where insulin pumps are used.

CoolSculpting Side-Effects

In many cases, diabetics with uncontrolled blood sugar levels are more likely to suffer damage to the tiny blood vessels near the skin surface. Therefore, diabetics are somewhat more likely to suffer temporary bruising as a result of the CoolSculpting procedure.

Medical Supervision

The one conclusion that you should draw from these potential problems is the need to ensure that you only undertake CoolSculpting after having discussed all potential issues with a doctor who is also thoroughly familiar with the procedure. Do not assume that every doctor will have this experience, and certainly do not assume that every CoolSculpting practitioner is qualified to give you medical advice. You may find that it’s relatively rare to find a medically qualified doctor who is also experienced with CoolSculpting; as a diabetic, you absolutely need to pay special attention to this problem.

Your Laser Skin Care

Your Laser Skin Care are highly experienced – we can provide you with expert advice on how best to use CoolSculpting to address your particular situation, including diabetes. We have extensive experience with a wide variety of non-invasive cosmetic procedures and can help you choose the safest, most effective, and most cost-effective way to achieve your cosmetic goals, combining different procedures when appropriate. Call us at (323) 457-8740 to schedule a free consultation, or visit us online for more information.

Varicose veins are caused by blood circulation problems, particularly when veins become enlarged and when the one-way valves that normally prevent blood from flowing “backward” in our veins stop working properly. Blood pressure can increase, and blood can start to pool in the veins, which can result in further inflammation and stretching of the blood vessels.

Varicose Vein Symptoms

Varicose veins can be responsible for a number of different symptoms, ranging from heaviness, aching, and throbbing. They can also cause changes in skin pigmentation, skin inflammation, and open sores. Varicose veins may also not cause any pain or irritation, especially during their early development. However, a number of more serious side-effects can develop if they’re left untreated.


Swelling can be caused by fluid leakage from varicose veins into the surrounding tissue. Left unattended this can lead to long-term changes to skin pigmentation, as well as hardening of the skin as it becomes dry and irritated.

Skin Ulcers

Swelling, if untreated, can lead to situations where the skin’s ability to heal from minor injuries is impaired. This in turn, can lead to the development of skin ulcers, which are areas of damaged tissue that are unable to heal naturally.

Skin Infections

Another result of prolonged swelling is the loss of the skin’s ability to resist bacterial infections. Skin infections can also further contribute to swelling, creating a vicious circle.


Itching is a common result of advanced varicose veins – it’s related to the above symptoms and is another side-effect of swelling and inflammation. The skin can also become dry, leading to flaking, which can also result in itching.

Itchy skin may also be caused by other medical conditions, so it becomes important to seek medical advice before deciding on any course of treatment.

Seeking Medical Advice

Varicose veins can be caused by several different conditions and can also lead to other, potentially very serious medical problems. We strongly recommend seeking qualified medical advice if you have started to develop varicose veins, regardless of whether you are also considering cosmetic procedures to help reduce their appearance.

Your Laser Skin Care

Your Laser Skin Care are medically qualified and highly experienced — we offer a full range of services, including full diagnosis of the cause of your varicose veins and advice on the best ways to treat the condition. We have extensive experience providing both laser vein therapy and Sclerotherapy treatments, as well as a host of other non-invasive cosmetic procedures. Call us at (323) 525-1516 to schedule a free consultation or visit us online for more information.

Prevent Varicose Veins

We’ve recently covered several of the possible causes of varicose veins, as well as some of the more serious risks to health that can accompany them; today, we’ll list several ways that you can stop existing varicose veins from getting worse.


Regular exercise will give you a wide range of health benefits, including general improvements to blood circulation that lies at the root of most varicose veins problems. Focused leg exercises can help ease situations where poor circulation in the legs results in swelling or itchy sensations, and cardiovascular (or aerobic) exercises like brisk walking, running, jogging, or swimming will increase your heart’s ability to circulate blood efficiently throughout the body.

Ideally, exercise should occupy at least 30 minutes, but even 10-minutes of physical activity once or twice a day will give lasting benefits over time. If you’re unable to engage in strenuous exercises, even regular walking will help you to boost your overall health.

Lose Weight

If you’re overweight (whether it’s by just a few pounds or if you’re classified as obese), losing weight will reduce the stress on your legs that contributes to developing varicose veins, as well as helping to stop new varicose veins from developing. Obviously, losing weight, whether through exercise or diet, also helps to improve your general health and reduces your chances of developing a host of other problems, including heart disease, diabetes, or strokes.

Stop Smoking

Smoking may not be a primary cause of varicose veins, but smoking has a marked effect on blood vessel health and blood circulation in general. Stopping (or reducing) smoking will greatly assist you in improving your overall health and make it much easier to increase the amount of exercise you perform.

Avoid Lengthy Inactivity

Standing still or sitting for extended periods helps blood pooling and is a significant cause of the blood circulation problems that lead to varicose veins. Try hard to break up long periods when you’re inactive by going for a short walk, stretching, and by changing your posture. Sitting with your feet elevated will help blood flow away from your legs and is recommended as a way to counteract lengthy periods spent standing up.

Avoid Tight Clothing

Anything that restricts blood flow is to be avoided, and that includes tight clothing, especially when it places extra pressure on or around your legs. High heels can also restrict blood flow around the ankles, with similar negative results. Specialized support hose can actually help improve blood circulation by applying pressure evenly around the ankles, resulting in improved blood circulation in the rest of the legs.

Wear Sunscreen

Wearing sunscreen to reduce varicose veins might seem like an unlikely piece of advice, but it’s actually quite reasonable. Excessive UV rays from sunlight can damage collagen fibers that help form the walls of blood vessels that lay close to the surface, which in turn can result in spider veins developing. Light-complexioned people are especially prone to this form of skin damage.

Your Laser Skin Care

Your Laser Skin Care is medically qualified and highly experienced — we offer a full range of services, including a full diagnosis of the cause of your varicose veins and advice on the best ways to treat the condition. We have extensive experience providing both laser vein therapy and Sclerotherapy treatments and a host of other non-invasive cosmetic procedures. Call us at (323) 525-1516 to schedule a free consultation or visit us online for more information.

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  • Botox $11 per unit (20 units minimum)*
  • Juvederm $750 per syringe*
  • 10% OFF Latisse
  • * New clients only

Meet Dr. Fedonenko

Dr. Fedonenko is a member of the American College of Physicians and is Board Certified in Internal Medicine.

She completed her Residency at the University of Virginia School of Medicine in 1998 and has since specialized in Cosmetic Dermatology.

She obtained additional training in aesthetic medicine procedures soon thereafter, and the results of her extensive training and experience show in each and every patient’s face. She’s a doctor that can truly been trusted with your skin care and anti-aging needs.

Our location

6221 Wilshire Boulevard,
Suite 102, Los Angeles, California 90048
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