
Are CoolSculpting results permanent?

CoolSculpting is a noninvasive fat reduction procedure that has rapidly gained popularity in recent years, primarily due to its effectiveness and minimal downtime.

This paper will explore the science behind CoolSculpting, the procedure’s effectiveness, determine if the results are permanent, and the factors contributing to its longevity. We will also discuss the role of genetics, the importance of patient education, and the role of the treatment provider in achieving the best possible results.

Overview of the Science Behind the Procedure

CoolSculpting is based on the principle of cryolipolysis, in which strictly controlled cooling is used to target and destroy fat cells without damaging surrounding tissues. The procedure uses controlled cooling to target and crystallize fat cells, which then undergo apoptosis (cell death) and are naturally eliminated by the body’s lymphatic system over the course of several weeks.

The procedure is effective because of two factors:

  • Fat cells are more susceptible to cold temperatures than other types of cells; CoolSculpting also uses specialized hardware that allows for rapid cooling of fat cells in the targeted area. It includes extensive monitoring to ensure that no damage occurs to adjacent cells.
  • Damaged fat cells are not regenerated by the body, hence the gradual removal of fat cells during each CoolSculpting procedure results in a permanent reduction in fat deposits in the treated area.

How Effective are CoolSculpting Procedures?

CoolSculpting is an effective method for reducing fat in targeted areas of the body – clinical studies have demonstrated that CoolSculpting can reduce fat in treated areas by up to 20-25% after a single treatment (Dierickx et al., 2013). Results are typically visible within two to three months, with final results appearing around six months after the procedure. However, individual results can vary, and additional treatments may be necessary to achieve the desired outcome.

It’s important to understand that CoolSculpting cannot remove all fat cells – even though damaged fat cells cannot grow back, other fat cells can (and will) expand if patients do not modify their diet and lifestyle to reduce caloric intake.

Results may vary between individuals, and multiple treatments may be required to achieve desired results. It is important to note that CoolSculpting is not a weight-loss treatment but rather a body contouring procedure designed to target stubborn fat deposits that are resistant to diet and exercise.

How Many CoolSculpting Procedures will be Required?

The answer to this question varies – the number of sessions depends on a number of factors. For many patients the 20-25% fat reductions after a single treatment will be sufficient. For others two or three treatments may be needed to achieve the desired results. Multiple treatments would normally be separated by four to six weeks, and sometimes longer. Your practitioner can help you to decide on the optimum number, depending on your personal physical condition, your medical history, and your expectations.

Can CoolSculpting Permanently Remove Fat?

Yes, CoolSculpting permanently removes fat cells in the treated areas. As the body eliminates the crystallized fat cells, they do not regenerate, and the results are long-lasting or permanent.

Many clinical studies have investigated the effectiveness of CoolSculpting, and its long-term benefits.

The ability to lose between 20 and 25% of fat in targeted areas has been demonstrated by multiple researchers. Longer-term benefits seem to be well established – some studies confirm that most patients were able to maintain their loss of fat over time, while other studies have reported that some fat was likely to return within six months of the procedure.

These results seem to be consistent with our experience, in particular that it is essential to maintain a healthy lifestyle to prevent remaining fat cells from enlarging and negating at least some of the procedure’s benefits.

Factors Affecting the Permanence of CoolSculpting

Several factors can affect the permanence of the procedure’s results. These factors include:

  • Weight fluctuations: Gaining weight after CoolSculpting can cause remaining fat cells in the treated area to expand, potentially diminishing the results of the procedure. Maintaining a stable weight is crucial to preserve long-term effects of CoolSculpting.
  • Hormonal changes: Hormonal fluctuations, such as those experienced during pregnancy or menopause, can affect fat distribution in the body and potentially alter the results of CoolSculpting.
  • Lifestyle choices: A sedentary lifestyle and poor dietary habits can contribute to weight gain and diminish the procedure’s benefits.
  • Genetics: Genetic factors may influence the distribution of fat cells in the body and how the remaining fat cells respond to future weight fluctuations.

Are all Patients Good Candidates?

Coolsculpting Candidates

Both men and women can benefit from CoolSculpting, as it effectively addresses common problem areas such as the abdomen, love handles, inner and outer thighs, and under the chin. However, men and women may experience different results due to differences in fat distribution and hormonal factors.

Although CoolSculpting has been cleared by the FDA, they do not regard it as a suitable treatment option for patients whose BMI (Body Mass Index) reaches obese levels, typically 30 or higher. Patients who are looking for a quick way to lose weight should be discouraged from the procedure, as they are unlikely to achieve their desired results.

As CoolSculpting is able to target specific fat deposits, patients who have localized fat deposits that have proven resistant to exercise and diet are the best candidates for the procedure. As long-term results are contingent on patients modifying their diet and/or lifestyle, it follows that the best candidates are those who acknowledge this, and who are ready to commit to long-term lifestyle changes.

CoolSculpting is not recommended during pregnancy, and for 6 to 8 weeks afterwards. Likewise, we don’t recommend it while breast feeding.

CoolSculpting is also not suitable for patients with certain medical conditions such as cryoglobulinemia, cold agglutinin disease, or paroxysmal cold hemoglobinuria.

Genetic Considerations

Patient genetics can have a large influence on the effectiveness of CoolSculpting. In particular:

  • Fat distribution: Genetic factors have a significant effect on where fat is stored in the body. Some patients have a tendency to store fat in parts of the body that are quite resistant to target by diet and exercise, for example the abdomen, hips, and thighs. CoolSculpting’s ability to target these areas can provide a very effective way to address these problem areas.
  • Fat cell characteristics: Genetic factors can influence the number and size of fat cells, as well as the degree to which they are affected by cold temperatures. This means than not all patients respond exactly the same way to CoolSculpting treatments. The CoolSculpting equipment allows the operator to modify certain aspects of the treatment to compensate for individual differences.
  • Metabolism: Genetic factors also influence the efficiency with which the body can dispose of damaged fat cells after each CoolSculpting procedure. The primary effect is seen in how quickly results become apparent after treatment.
  • Response to treatment: individuals differ not only in how effective the CoolSculpting treatment is in damaging and removing fat cells, but also in how likely they are to develop side-effects after treatment. Most side-effects are mild and transitory, but there is a small chance of experiencing longer-term side effects.

How Long Do CoolSculpting Results Typically Last?

CoolSculpting results are typically visible within three to four months after the procedure, with the most noticeable changes occurring between two and six months.

The permanence of CoolSculpting results depends on an individual’s ability to maintain a stable weight and a healthy lifestyle. If the patient is able to modify their diet and exercise habits, then the benefits will be long-lasting. If the patient reverts to their previous habits, then the remaining fat cells will expand, gradually compromising the procedure’s benefits.

Combining CoolSculpting with Other Treatments

CoolSculpting can be combined with other noninvasive body contouring treatments to achieve more comprehensive and lasting results. Examples include radiofrequency skin tightening, or laser treatments to improve skin elasticity and appearance. Consulting a qualified professional practitioner to determine the appropriate combination of treatments based on your individual goals and expectations.

The Role of the Provider, Including Setting Patient Expectations

The success of CoolSculpting relies heavily on the expertise of the treatment provider. An experienced and skilled provider will assess the patient’s individual needs and develop a customized treatment plan to achieve the desired results. They will also monitor the patient’s progress and make any necessary adjustments to the treatment plan as needed, ensuring the best possible outcome and long-lasting results.

Educating patients about the CoolSculpting procedure, its benefits, potential risks, and the factors that can impact the permanence of the results is crucial for ensuring realistic expectations and optimal outcomes. A well-informed patient is more likely to follow post-treatment care recommendations and maintain a healthy lifestyle to preserve the long-term effects of CoolSculpting.

The Psychological Benefits of CoolSculpting

The long-term results of CoolSculpting can have a positive impact on a patient’s self-esteem and body image. By addressing stubborn fat deposits that are resistant to diet and exercise, CoolSculpting can help patients feel more confident in their appearance, which can have a positive effect on their overall mental well-being. It also contributes to their motivation and ability to maintain a healthier lifestyle.

The Cost of CoolSculpting

The cost of CoolSculpting treatments will vary depending on factors such as the provider’s fees, the location and size of the treatment area, and the number of sessions required. Average prices for CoolSculpting sessions typically range from $600 up to $4,000. It is important to consider the long-term benefits and potential cost savings associated with CoolSculpting when comparing it to other fat reduction procedures, and in particular to liposuction. For many, the minimal downtime and long-term benefits of a non-invasive procedure justify the cost.

Future Developments in Noninvasive Fat Reduction

As our understanding of adipose tissue biology and the mechanisms underlying noninvasive fat reduction techniques expands, we can expect the field to continue to evolve, offering more effective and targeted treatment options in the future. CoolSculpting technology has evolved over time, and we expect that it will continue to do so in the future, refining and extending its ability to offer cost effective long-term results.


In summary, CoolSculpting is a promising, permanent, noninvasive method for reducing fat in targeted areas of the body. However, the permanence of the results is dependent on an individual’s ability to maintain a stable weight and adopt a healthy lifestyle. Factors such as weight fluctuations, hormonal changes, and genetics can impact the procedure’s benefits, so it is essential to be aware of these factors and make lifestyle adjustments accordingly. With minimal downtime and a low risk of complications, CoolSculpting remains an attractive option for those seeking a noninvasive method to address stubborn fat deposits.


  1. Safety, Tolerance, and Patient Satisfaction With Noninvasive Cryolipolysis.
    Christine C. Dierickx, Jean-Michel Mazer, Mila Sand, Sylvie Koenig, Valerie Arigon.
    Dermatologic Surgery 39(8):p 1209-1216, August 2013.
IPL Body Treatment
Intense Pulsed Light (IPL) therapy is a versatile and effective non-invasive procedure that uses broad spectrum high-intensity light energy to target specific structures in the skin without damaging the surrounding tissues. IPL has become increasingly popular due to its ability to treat a wide range of skin conditions while also improving the overall appearance of the skin.
IPL can be used to address pigmentation issues, vascular lesions, redness, and acne.

Common areas of the body where IPL can be used include

The Face

IPL is frequently used on the face, addressing a variety of skin issues and promoting a more youthful and even complexion. IPL can treat pigmentation issues causing age spots, freckles, and sun damage. IPL can also treat rosacea, vascular lesions, and general redness by reducing the appearance of spider veins and surface capillaries.

Neck and Chest

As with the face, IPL can help address sun damage and pigmentation issues by targeting excess melanin deposits on the neck and chest and reducing redness by constricting surface blood vessels. Fine lines and wrinkles can also be reduced, as IPL stimulates collagen production, resulting in improved skin tone and texture.

Arms and Hands

Pigmentation issues are a common age-related problem on the hands. IPL can reduce the excess melanin that is the cause of age spots and sun spots.
You should consult a qualified dermatologist or medical professional before undergoing any IPL treatment, as it may not be suitable for all skin types. For example, individuals with darker skin tones may be at higher risk of burns or hyperpigmentation due to their skin’s higher melanin content. A professional can evaluate your specific needs, skin type, and medical history to determine if IPL is the right choice for you.

Your Laser Skin Care

Your Laser Skin Care practitioners are medically qualified and highly experienced in performing IPL treatments. We also have extensive experience with a wide variety of other non-invasive cosmetic procedures. We can help you choose the safest, most effective, and most cost-effective way to achieve your cosmetic goals. Call us at (323) 525-1516 to schedule a free consultation, or visit us online for more information.
man getting laser hair removal on his chest with led blocking glasses

Laser hair removal works by using lasers to emit light pulses at a particular wavelength that is absorbed by the pigment (melanin) in the hair follicle. The light energy is absorbed by the follicle, which causes it to heat up, and results in the follicle being damaged. Eventually, the hair attached to the follicle falls out, and the damaged follicle does not grow new hair.

Although laser hair removal is often promoted as giving permanent results, the truth is somewhat more complicated. This blog post explains why.

Phases of Hair Growth

All individual human hairs go through a growth cycle with four distinct phases: Anagen, Catagen, Telogen, and Exogen. The Anagen phase is when hair follicles create new hair shafts, and the hair shafts grow longer. The Catagen phase corresponds to a period when hair growth slows down, and the hair follicle shrinks. The Telogen phase is a resting state, during which old hair remains connected to the follicle, while new hair begins to grow underneath. The final Exogen phase occurs when old hair shafts fall out, and new hair continues to grow.

The four phases also take very different periods of time: Anagen can last anywhere between two and seven years. Catagen lasts up to two to three weeks. Telogen takes between three and four months. Exogen is harder to define; it actually overlaps with the other phases.

Effectiveness of Laser Hair Removal

Laser hair removal procedures are most effective during the Anagen phase, while the hair follicle is growing a new hair stalk, and the hair follicle contains the most melanin. The laser is tuned to a frequency that is absorbed by the melanin, which results in the light energy being efficiently converted to heat. This heat damages or kills the follicle, inhibiting future hair growth.

The following factors combine to prevent single laser hair removal treatments from being able to remove all hair in the treated area:

  • the hair growth cycle results in not all hair is in the Anagen phase at any given time.
  • individuals vary greatly in the lengths of their hair growth cycles, influenced by hormonal and genetic factors.
  • hair thickness also varies greatly between individuals, which may influence how effective the laser is at damaging hair follicles.
  • the period during which hair does not grow is influenced by many factors, including age.
  • the damage caused by the laser heating up individual follicles may not be enough to completely prevent new hair growth. Partial damage can result in the regrowth of lighter, finer hairs.
  • the laser equipment being used may not be a perfect match for the patient’s hair and skin colors.
  • the practitioner’s skill may also influence how effectively hair removal occurs.

Permanent or Temporary?

Given that a single laser hair removal treatment will not be 100% effective, in most cases patients will be advised to have several treatments, spaced out appropriately. This technique will certainly increase the percentage of hairs removed in the treated area, over time.

The various factors that influence the effectiveness of laser hair removal combine to make it quite unlikely that even a skilled practitioner will be able to achieve permanent 100% removal of hair in a given area after just a few treatments. In some of the real-world cases, further treatments will be needed to maintain the results, although the intervals between these treatments will generally become longer over time.

Your Laser Skin Care

Your Laser Skin Care practitioners are medically qualified and highly experienced in performing laser hair removal. We also have extensive experience with a wide variety of other non-invasive cosmetic procedures. We can help you choose the safest, most effective, and most cost-effective way to achieve your cosmetic goals. Call us at (323) 525-1516 to schedule a free consultation, or visit us online for more information.

woman getting coolsculpting in los angeles on her back
CoolSculpting is an FDA-approved non-invasive procedure that freezes and eliminates stubborn fat cells in targeted areas. CoolSculpting uses cryolipolysis, in which unwanted fat cells are cooled to a very precise temperature that causes them to shrink and die while leaving adjacent skin cells undamaged.
CoolSculpting has become increasingly popular among patients who are looking for safe and effective ways to reduce unwanted fat in areas such as the abdomen, thighs, flanks, and chin.
To maximize your results from CoolSculpting, there are a few things you need to consider before and after the procedure.

Choose the Right Treatment Provider

The success of CoolSculpting treatments depends very much on the skill and experience of the treatment provider. It is extremely important to choose a medically certified, trained, and experienced provider. When researching providers, look for their certifications, years of experience, and reviews from previous patients.

Maintain a Healthy Diet and Exercise Regimen

CoolSculpting is not a weight loss solution, but a way to contour or sculpt specific parts of the body. Although treated fat cells will never grow back, if you fail to keep to a healthy diet and lifestyle after treatment, other fat cells will happily take their place. Naturally, leading a healthy lifestyle will produce many other benefits, but this is the best way to ensure that you maintain your new sculpted look.

Stay Hydrated

Perhaps the easiest way to maximize the benefits of CoolSculpting is to simply drink more water. Sufficient water is not only crucial for the body’s normal functioning, but it also helps to combat the normal results of aging.  Hydrated skin is more elastic, and will help to maintain a toned and healthy appearance. Dehydrated skin will more easily become dry and flaky, the opposite of what you need.

Avoid Smoking and Alcohol

Smoking and alcohol are both highly negative influences on your health, but also on the body’s ability to heal and recover from injury. Smoking is well known as a primary cause of premature aging, and can be a driver for lost skin elasticity. Avoiding smoking and alcohol before and after treatment is very highly recommended.

Follow All Aftercare Instructions

Your practitioner will provide you with instructions on how to achieve the best results from your treatment. Depending on the areas being treated they may include recommendations to avoid strenuous exercise, keep away from direct sunlight, and the best ways to clean and moisturize treated areas.

Your Laser Skin Care

Your Laser Skin Care practitioners are medically qualified and highly experienced in performing CoolSculpting procedures. We also have extensive experience with a wide variety of other non-invasive cosmetic procedures. We can help you choose the safest, most effective, and most cost-effective way to achieve your cosmetic goals. Call us at (323) 525-1516 to schedule a free consultation, or visit us online for more information.

CoolSculpting is a fast-growing non-invasive cosmetic procedure that can selectively remove unwanted fat from many parts of the body. It uses precisely controlled cooling pads to cool fat cells down to a temperature that kills them, while leaving adjacent skin cells undamaged.

This article explains the history of CoolSculpting, how it’s able to achieve remarkably effective results, and which patients are the best candidates for the procedure.

The History of CoolSculpting

The origin of CoolSculpting is due to the curiosity of two Harvard Medical School dermatologists. Drs. Dieter Manstein and R. Rox Anderson observed that children who ate many frozen popsicles were apt to develop dimples in their cheeks. There’s even a medical term for this condition: Popsicle Panniculitis. Further investigation (#1) showed that fat cells are more sensitive to low temperatures than other skin cells, and that cooling then down to near freezing can actually kill off the fat cells.

This observation would not have been so important, were it not for one other characteristic of fat cells – unlike most other cells in the body, fat cells do not regenerate. This means that once eliminated, fat cells will not grow back.

Drs. Manstein and Anderson formed a company (EHR International) to research the most effective ways to cool fat cells, and to determine which parts of the body could most effectively be treated. Zeltiq Aesthetics acquired the technology in 2010, and further developed it. More recently Allergan acquired Zeltiq in 2017; they have continued to develop CoolSculpting technology and market it to licensed healthcare professionals.

As of 2022, Zeltiq have stated that over 11 million CoolSculpting procedures have been performed worldwide.

What is CoolSculpting, and How Does it Work?

CoolSculpting is the name given to the procedure developed by Zeltiq. The procedure involves cooling unwanted fat deposits to a precise low temperature, which causes the targeted fat cells to crystallize (or “freeze”), without damaging any adjacent cells.

The process of freezing fat cells is known as cryolipolysis. Lipolysis is the name given to the natural mechanism by which the body breaks down fat cells; the prefix “cryo” indicates the use of low temperatures. Cryolipolysis occurs at temperatures of between -1°C and 4°C (between 30°F and 39°F); CoolSculpting actually applies temperatures several degrees cooler (depending on the depth of the fat deposits) to penetrate beneath the skin’s surface.

This cooling process damages the fat cells, which causes then to progressively shrink and die after the procedure is complete. Unlike liposuction, there is no surgery and little downtime. This process continues after they return to their normal temperature. The body naturally and gradually absorbs and eliminates these dead fat cells following treatment, resulting in a reduction in the size of the treated area.

Results will start to be visible in as little as three weeks after treatment; full results may take two or three months to fully develop.

How Effective is CoolSculpting?

How Effective is Coolsculpting?

CoolSculpting can remove anywhere up to 20% or 25% of fat cells in the targeted area in a single treatment. This amount will vary according to the body area being treated, the patient’s body type, and the skill of the person performing the procedure. Multiple treatments can increase this percentage, and depending on the area being targeted, it may ultimately be possible to achieve 30% or more fat reduction.

It’s important to have appropriate expectations – your practitioner should give you an estimate of the results achievable for your particular situation after one or more treatments. This will, of course, depend on your body type and the areas being treated, but also on your lifestyle, your diet, and the amount of exercise you perform. Research indicates success rates in 86% of treated patients; patient satisfaction with CoolSculpting also rates higher than other non-invasive techniques (#2).

Bear in mind that CoolSculpting should not be viewed as a way to lose weight – its purpose is to selectively remove unwanted fat deposits, allowing the contours of the body to be improved (hence the name “CoolSculpting”). Even though the treated fat cells won’t grow back, other fat cells in your body will, if you continue with the lifestyle that originally led to excess fat accumulation.

Which Body Parts can be Treated?

Body Parts Treated with Coolsculpting

CoolSculpting is cleared by the FDA as safe for use on these body parts:

  • Submental. The under-chin area, including double-chins.
  • Submandibular (under the jaw).
  • Abdomen.
  • Flanks (“love handles”).
  • Inner and outer thighs.
  • Bra strap area.
  • Upper arms.
  • Beneath the buttocks (“banana roll”).
  • Backs

The procedure has also been used “off label” on these areas:

  • Calves and ankles.
  • Inner knee.

The procedure is most effective when used on packets of excess fat in the above areas, particularly when these fat deposits have proven resistant to exercise and/or dieting.

CoolSculpting is not effective on fat deposits that occur in the body’s core. It’s most effective when used on fat deposits that lay closer to the skin surface, and particularly on fat deposits that can be physically isolated. Cooling fat deposits close to the surface down to the required temperature is relatively easy and low-risk. Attempting to cool deeper fat deposits down to the required level would be far harder and carry elevated risk.

CoolSculpting is also not a solution for loose skin – it can reduce fat cells but will not provide a solution for any skin laxity.

Long-Term Benefits

  • CoolSculpting confers important long-term benefits, in particular:
  • As the procedure is non-invasive, recovery time is almost eliminated.
  • There are no scars or visible signs of any treatment.
  • Fat loss is permanent, as treated fat cells cannot grow back afterwards.
  • A skilled practitioner can ensure that results are balanced and natural-looking.
  • Patient self-confidence is boosted by the procedure, which in turn increases their ability to control their diet, and also to maintain or increase their exercise levels.
  • Fat cells are eliminated from the body using natural processes; this results in a very low level of side effects or complications after treatment.

How Does CoolSculpting Differ from Other Fat Reduction Treatments?

  • CoolSculpting offers some very significant advantages compared to other ways of reducing fat, such as liposuction:
  • CoolSculpting is a non-invasive procedure, hence the risk of infection or side effects is dramatically lower. Costs are also correspondingly lower.
  • No need for anesthesia, with its associated risks and recovery time.
  • Cryolipolysis is highly effective and safe; it makes use of the body’s natural mechanisms for eliminating dead fat cells from the body.
  • Natural-looking results: fat elimination occurs naturally and gradually, so no sudden change in your appearance.
  • CoolSculpting gives highly targeted results, allowing fat reduction exactly where you want it, and nowhere else.
  • Zero downtime. No recovery time is needed after treatment, so there’s minimal impact to your daily schedule.
  • Extremely low chance of any unwanted side effects.
  • Guaranteed long-term results, as long as a healthy diet and lifestyle is maintained.

The CoolSculpting System

The CoolSculpting system hardware has evolved since its introduction. It now comprises the following elements:

Control Unit

The control unit uses a combination of thermoelectric and traditional refrigeration technology to chill liquid coolant down to the required temperature. The coolant then circulates to the applicator and back again. It’s also able to generate a low-pressure vacuum that can be used by various applicators to increase thermal coupling with the skin. The vacuum may also be used to help massaging the skin and fat cells after cooling.

The control unit display allows the exact parameters of each treatment to be input, and more importantly closely monitored and adjusted as necessary. The coolant is chilled to precisely -11 degrees Celsius. The temperature applied to the skin must be held to within +/- 0.5 degree Celsius for the treatment to be both safe and effective.

The control unit software ensures that the procedure is performed using the exact cooling temperature and duration required for optimum cryolipolysis to occur; it also constantly monitors the patient to ensure that no unwanted situations develop.


Various applicators are used, depending on the area(s) of the body being treated. Applicators are either hand-held, or function when strapped to the body. Some applicators use vacuum to increase the thermal coupling with the body. Applicators are instrumented, and allow the controller to monitor the exact temperature being applied to the skin.

Thermal Coupling Gel

A special thermally conductive gel is applied to the applicators to ensure that they make perfect thermal contact with the skin, with no hot or cold-spots. The gel also protects the skin from cold burns during the procedure. They also serve to increase the effectiveness of the vacuum function, when it’s applied.

All aspects of the CoolSculpting device are subject to rigorous inspection by the FDA. In common with other medical devices, no change to the system hardware or operating software can be made without prior approval from the FDA.

CoolSculpting Applicators

The applicators (also called handpieces) used as part of the CoolSculpting procedure are each optimized for use on specific parts of the body; they’re typically rounded paddles in various sizes and shapes. The applicators are important part of the process – they’re designed to efficiently cool subcutaneous fat in specific parts of the body, many of which may be hard to reach.

  • CoolMini: Designed to help reduce fat in small, difficult-to-treat areas, such as the double chin.
  • CoolAdvantage Petite: Designed to target localized fat deposits on smaller areas of the body, such as the arms.
  • CoolAdvantage Plus: Designed for use on larger areas, such as the abdomen and love handles.
  • CoolSmooth Pro: Designed for use on body parts that typically have minimal pinchable fat, such as the outer thighs, and provides smooth and even fat reduction.
  • CoolCore Advantage: Designed for use on the upper abdomen.
  • CoolFit Advantage: Designed for use on the flanks and love handles.

Some applicators use suction to increase their cooling efficiency. The suction effect from a partial vacuum ensures good thermal transfer between the applicator and the body, and also helps increase blood flow to reduce discomfort. Some applicators have multiple heads to allow larger areas to be treated at the same time. Most contain curved and/or flexible components to better adapt to different body shapes. All applicators are used with a thermally conductive gel to ensure that cooling is applied evenly over the are being treated.

All applicators are designed to precisely control the temperature that’s applied to the targeted fat cells, to both increase the effectiveness of the procedure and to ensure that no unwanted damage is caused. The software that’s used to control the procedure is also rigorously inspected by the FDA, and is subject to the same approval process.

Safety Concerns

It’s normal to have concerns about any procedure, including non-invasive ones. Fortunately, CoolSculpting has a well-established record of minimal side effects, dating back for over ten years.

The CoolSculpting system contains many safeguards to ensure that each procedure is performed at the optimum temperature and over the appropriate time. The applicators are each designed to facilitate correct use on a particular body part. The best way to guarantee that the procedure goes smoothly and that you get the results you want is to ensure that the practitioner performing the procedure is medically qualified, appropriately trained, and highly experienced in use of the CoolSculpting system.

CoolSculpting has been cleared for use in the US by the FDA, and has received EU CE certification in Europe – both guarantees that the procedure has been extensively studied and found to be safe.

Having a board-certified physician available to supervise the process is the ultimate assurance that you’re in safe hands. You should have the opportunity to discuss any concerns you have with the supervising physician beforehand, and they should be able to address any concerns you have.

FDA Clearances

Zeltiq and Allergan worked with the US Federal Food and Drug Administration (“FDA”) to conduct extensive clinical trials into the safety and effectiveness of the CoolSculpting procedure, resulting in the FDA granting clearance for use of the device.

The regulatory process has continued as the device has been enhanced and refined, and clearances have been obtained for use of the device in additional body areas.

This is the list of FDA clearances obtained since 2009 (#4); the list shows that Zeltiq remains committed to refining the CoolSculpting device, and is continuing to seek approval for its use in new body areas:

Date FDA 510(k)
2007 K072152 Juniper Dermal Cooling Device cleared for use in pain management.
2008 K080118 Zeltiq Dermal Cooling Device cleared for use with a massaging vacuum applicator for local anesthetic, to relieve discomfort, improve circulation, and reduce cellulite.
2010 K080521 Cleared for use on Flanks (love handles).
2012 K120023 CoolSculpting cleared for use on flanks (love handles) on patients with BMI of 30 or less. Cleared for use on abdomen.
2014 K133212 Cup and belt applicators cleared for use. Cleared for use on the thighs.
2015 K142491 Additional flank treatment parameters cleared.
2015 K151179 Cleared for use in the submental area, for ages 22 through 65.
2016 K160259 Cleared for use on abdomen, flanks, back, inner thighs, lateral thighs, anterior thighs, submental, and banana roll areas.
2016 K162050 CoolAdvantage applicator cleared (CoolMini with interchangeable contours). Cleared for use on upper arms.
2017 K171069 Cleared to use new CoolAdvantage Plus and CoolAdvantage Petite applicators, and new CoolAdhesive Pad and CoolAdhesive Plus Pad gelpads.
2017 K172144 Cleared for use on lax tissue in the submental area.
2018 K181740 Cleared for use in submental and submandibular areas with patients having BMIs under 46.2.
2019 K183514 Next generation system with enhanced cooling system cleared.
2020 K193566 Zeltiq CoolSculpting cleared for simultaneous use with dual applicators.
2021 K212707 Zeltiq CoolSculpting cleared for use on the abdomen.
C150 Curved applicator cleared.

These various clearances are the result of rigorous supervised clinical trials – they were designed to prove the safety of each procedure, and its effectiveness over both short and long terms. FDA clearances may come with various caveats, such as limitation on the age of qualifying patients, or their BMI. CoolSculpting is currently the only cryolipolysis device cleared for use by the FDA in the US.

Some FDA clearances are also tied to specific variants of the CoolSculpting machine (including its applicator), hence the repetition in some cases.

Note: FDA “clearances” are not the same as “approvals”. The FDA only issues “approvals” when use of the device or procedure is considered high risk. Clearances are given for low-risk non-invasive cosmetic devices like CoolSculpting.

What Makes Someone a Good or Bad Candidate for CoolSculpting?

Coolsculpting Candidates

A good candidate for CoolSculpting would exhibit the following characteristics:

  • having fat deposits that have stubbornly resisted exercise and dieting.
  • has reasonable expectations.
  • is looking for a safe, effective alternative to liposuction or surgery.
  • has good skin elasticity and good skin tone.

Negative characteristics include:

  • morbidly obese (BMI > 46).
  • poor skin tone and elasticity.
  • looking for an easy way to lose weight.
  • expects to remove all unwanted fat.
  • has sensitive skin or rashes in the are being treated.
  • suffering from cryoglobulinemia, paroxysmal cold hemoglobinuria, or cold agglutinin disease.

Possible Side Effects

CoolSculpting can provoke a number of side effects (#3) in the treated area, all of which are temporary.

You may experience the following during treatment:

  • Sensation of skin being pulling.
  • Intense cold, with possible tingling, aching, or cramping.

Immediately after treatment:

  • Redness and a feeling of firmness.
  • Mild bruising at the edges.
  • Tingling and/or stinging.

One to two weeks after treatment:

  • Redness, bruising, swelling.
  • Tenderness, cramping, aching.
  • Skin sensitivity, itching, numbness.
  • Back-of throat fullness sensation after submental and submandibular treatments.

There is a very small risk of developing PAH (Paradoxical Adipose Hyperplasia) after treatment. This condition can result in some fatty tissue thickening and expanding.

Finding the Best Practitioner in California

The FDA determined that the CoolSculpting device is a Class II medical device. This means that it can only be operated by licensed healthcare professionals, including suitably trained and certified doctors, nurses, and physician assistants. In California a licensed and trained aesthetician can only use the device when supervised by a physician.

You should look for a practitioner who is both medically trained and highly experienced in performing CoolSculpting procedures. In common with all other non-invasive procedures, using a trained and experienced practitioner will lead to better outcomes and fewer unwanted side-effects.

Your practitioner should also give you plenty of opportunity to ask as many questions as you need to set your mind at rest. They should also help set reasonable expectations, and ensure that you have no medical conditions that might lead to complications. They will of course discuss the financial aspects of the procedure or procedures. Don’t compromise on a practitioner who doesn’t set you at ease, or who appears too rushed to answer all your questions.


  1. Selective cryolysis: a novel method of non-invasive fat removal.
    Dieter Manstein, Hans Laubach, Kanna Watanabe, William Farinelli, David Zurakowski, R Rox.
    Lasers Surg Med. 2008 Nov; 40(9):595-604.
  2. Cryolipolysis for noninvasive body contouring: clinical efficacy and patient satisfaction.
    Nils Krueger, Sophia V Mai, Stefanie Luebberding, and Neil S Sadick.
    Clin Cosmet Investig Dermatol. 2014; 7: 201–205.
  3. CoolSculpting Safety Information.
  4. FDA Clearances for Zeltiq CoolSculpting Devices.
woman after her skincare routine looking in the mirror at her botox
There are a very large number of different dermal filler products on the market, all with different characteristics and recommended usages. Whichever filler or fillers you elect to use, you’ll be interested in prolonging the effects for as long as possible. Here are some of the best ways to ensure that you get the maximum benefit each time you have this procedure.

Choose the Right Practitioner and the Right Filler

A medically trained and experienced practitioner will be best placed to help you choose the most appropriate filler (or fillers) for your needs, and this includes choosing the longest-lasting.
Different fillers have different lifetimes, although the time between touchups is also partly dependent on your metabolism and to a lesser extent your lifestyle. While hyaluronic acid-based dermal fillers can last anywhere between six months and a year, it may be possible to use other fillers with up to a two-year lifetime.

Avoid Excess Sun Exposure

Keeping away from direct sunlight is the best way to extend the life of your fillers. Direct sunlight (and to a lesser extent indirect sunlight) can cause fillers to break down more quickly, as well as being the primary cause of premature aging of your skin. Be sure to use sunscreen as part of your daily routine – this will provide multiple benefits, and help improve your overall skin tone.

Avoid Temperatures Extremes

It’s not only sunlight – hot or cold temperature extremes can cause skin damage, and may also accelerate the rate your fillers break down and become reabsorbed by the body.

Take Care of Your Skin

Avoid harsh skincare products, such as scrubs. In general, avoid facial massages, as this will accelerate fillers breaking down and becoming reabsorbed, as well as potentially causing them to migrate away from their intended locations. Stay hydrated – not only recommended for healthy skin, but also for general health.

Adopt a Healthy Lifestyle

Overeating, smoking, alcohol, and stress will all cause premature aging. Avoid these, eat a healthy diet, and exercise to improve your overall health. Anything you do to improve your general health will also pay dividends in extending the life of your facial fillers. Stay hydrated, and make sure you get enough sleep.

Follow Your Practitioner’s Advice

Your practitioner should provide you with more detailed instructions on which skincare products to use, and which to avoid. Follow these instructions, along with any other post-treatment recommendations.

Your Laser Skin Care

Your Laser Skin Care practitioners are medically qualified and very experienced in performing dermal filler procedures. We also have extensive experience with a wide variety of other non-invasive cosmetic procedures. We can help you choose the safest, most effective, and most cost-effective way to achieve your cosmetic goals. Call us at (323) 525-1516 to schedule a free consultation, or visit us online for more information.
closeup image of woman's cheek with deep and painful acne scars

Dermal fillers are well known as an effective way to combat wrinkles and fine lines and as a way to restore sunken areas, such as cheeks or under the eyes. However, they can also provide an effective treatment option for many types of acne scars, as described below.

What Kinds of Filler Are Used?

Hyaluronic acid-based fillers (the most common type) are widely used. Hyaluronic acid occurs naturally in the body, where its purpose is to hydrate and bind moisture. Hyaluronic acid fillers are used to fill in the skin under indented or sunken scar tissue; they can also serve to raise the skin surrounding raised scars, thereby evening out the skin surface.

Synthetic collagen fillers using Poly-L-lactic acid are also an option. They can be injected in a similar manner to hyaluronic acid fillers to compensate for sunken or raised scar tissue. These fillers can also serve to stimulate the body’s production of collagen, providing wider benefits as they improve the overall tone and texture of the skin. Synthetic collagen fillers are more effective when used on deeper scars.

Your practitioner should have the experience to be able to select the most suitable candidates from the wide range of available fillers – there are very many different formulations, allowing dermal fillers to be used to address a very wide range of cosmetic issues.

Limitations of the Procedure

Not all types of acne scars can be treated effectively using dermal fillers. In particular, treating deep scars or scars with sharply defined edges may not produce the intended results. Similarly, raised thick scars are not suitable candidates for dermal filler treatment.

Duration of the Benefits

Dermal fillers only provide a temporary solution. As they are made primarily from naturally-occurring substances, the body slowly absorbs and disperses the injected material. The length of time before needing to top-up the filler varies according to the filler, the part of the body being treated, and the patient’s metabolism. It will eventually be necessary to repeat the procedure to prevent the scars from becoming visible again. Benefits typically last between six and twelve months.

Other Treatment Options

There are many other ways of treating acne scars, including skin abrasion, chemical peels, laser resurfacing, and more invasive surgical techniques. Your practitioner should have the experience to be able to offer you a treatment plan adapted to your specific situation and needs, including a combination of different treatment types when appropriate.

Your Laser Skin Care

Your Laser Skin Care practitioners are medically qualified and very experienced in performing dermal filler procedures. We also have extensive experience with a wide variety of other non-invasive cosmetic procedures. We can help you choose the safest, most effective, and most cost-effective way to achieve your cosmetic goals. Call us at (323) 525-1516 to schedule a free consultation, or visit us online for more information.

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Our Specials

  • Botox $11 per unit (20 units minimum)*
  • Juvederm $750 per syringe*
  • 10% OFF Latisse
  • * New clients only

Meet Dr. Fedonenko

Dr. Fedonenko is a member of the American College of Physicians and is Board Certified in Internal Medicine.

She completed her Residency at the University of Virginia School of Medicine in 1998 and has since specialized in Cosmetic Dermatology.

She obtained additional training in aesthetic medicine procedures soon thereafter, and the results of her extensive training and experience show in each and every patient’s face. She’s a doctor that can truly been trusted with your skin care and anti-aging needs.

Our location

6221 Wilshire Boulevard,
Suite 102, Los Angeles, California 90048
Schedule Your Laser Skin Care Appointment Today! Make An Appointment