
Restylane – the facial filler that changed everything. Look years younger, instantly. No surgery. No painful recovery. No staples or tubes. No lost work time.

The standard procedure, for all the fillers, is the same. A series of small injections are administered below the surface of the skin. Depending upon the number of areas treated – the lips, under eyes, nose-to-mouth and mouth-to-chin areas being the most popular – the entire process takes about 30-minutes.

Restylane has also been FDA approved and the product may now be combined with the anesthesia Lydocaine, in the same syringe. Additionally, a variety of numbing agents may also be applied, topically, if you desire.

Following the procedure, you might experience some minor swelling, redness or tenderness. In some instances, there might also be some spots of bruising. All of these side effects will usually disappear in less than 7 days. Applications of ice, immediately following, combined with Arnica tablets or cream, does wonders to further reduce any discomfort. And here, with the vast experience in Beverly Hills facial fillers and Restylane L.A., physicians are skilled at making it easy.

Your practitioner may also discuss other precautions you might take in the week or days prior to treatment. Halting your supplement regimen and aspirin/ibuprofen products or blood-thinning drugs and limiting alcohol or sugar might be suggested to further prevent swelling.

Be assured that few products have undergone the long term research and rigid testing as the wonder drugs of modern cosmetic dermatology. And while there are more than 100 facial filler drugs, in use, around the world, there are only nine approved here in the U.S.

It’s safe, reasonably priced with minor and short-lived side effects and the results are stunning.

“Be careful what you wish for” can, sometimes, be wise and worldly advise. But even better, sometimes, if we really get lucky, we may actually find “everything we wished for…and MORE!” Did somebody just say, “BOTOX?”

BOTOX cosmetic, originally intended to correct the optical disorder commonly known as  “cross-eyes,” has been the veritable Fountain of Youth of the cosmetic dermatology industry, since 2002. Relax, release, and get rid of wrinkles here, there and everywhere on your forehead and brow. Even those “laugh lines,” which are really not so funny when they’re called “crow’s feet,” can disappear in the blink of an eye. Oh, that BOTOX.

But now, only 11 years after receiving FDA approval as a treatment for facial wrinkles, BOTOX offers more. Much more.

Have you ever considered a surgical “brow lift” to stave off the downward spiral of gravity? Your beautiful big eyes are still beautiful but not quite so big? And your lids have a heavy, hooded look with deeper folds than you remember? A few strategically placed BOTOX injections can lift your brows, raise your eyelids and restore your youthful look of wide-eyed wonder. And more.

Oh, that gravity – turning down the curvy corners of your mouth or forming jowls along your, once-firm, jawline. Or the vertical lines, above (or below) your lips caused by “pucker up and kiss me.” Or smoking? From L.A. to the east coast and around the world, everyone knows that BOTOX has become the Go-to Guru for restoring that fresh, smooth and youthful glow of vitality.

But what you may not know is that while the cosmetic uses for BOTOX are constantly increasing, the medical or therapeutic uses may, eventually, far out weigh its beauty benefits. Allergan, the drug’s producer, currently has more than 90 patents, currently owned or pending.

With a 30-year record of favorable research, 11,000 people studied and approximately 17, 000,000 treatments in the U.S. alone, BOTOX has proven successful in the treatment of migraine headaches, excessive sweating, chewing and swallowing impediments, various muscle spasms and is on the edge of treatment for stroke patients and benign enlarged prostate.

So keep your beautiful, big, wide-eyes on BOTOX where wishes really do come true.

Beauty may be in the eyes of the beholder, but it’s always more than skin deep. In fact, despite of the effectiveness of today’s topical skin creams and lotions, when it comes to dramatic, instant and long lasting results, it takes more than moisturizers and hydrating creams, toners, surface scrubs or masques. It takes the combination of visual Art and 21st century Science.

And the Science of the 21st century has introduced break-through procedures that have changed everything. When BOTOX exploded into the cosmetic dermatology offices, lines formed from the treatment room to the waiting room.

Now with the phenomenon of the facial fillers like Restylane, Perlane, Juvederm and Radiesse, the Science has taken us even closer to the edge of “forever young.”

And the Art? Today, the Art of beauty lies in the eyes and the mind and the skillful hands of your physician. Training and experience, experience and vision, artistry and experience with, not just hundreds, but thousands of patients where you want to put your best face forward. And with whom.

For the most natural look, the perfect product placement, how much product (or how little!) and the delicate touch of the artist with the precise technique of the physician, there’s no place, in the world, like the L.A. to Beverly Hills beauty expressway.

The Restylane procedure, itself, is very straight-forward and takes anywhere from several minutes to one half hour, depending upon the number of treated areas. First an antiseptic, followed by a numbing agent, is applied to the skin. Then the gel-like Hyaluronic acid is injected under the skin, and with the help of the body’s own water, creates and retains volume beneath the skin’s surface.

Folds and deep wrinkles disappear both instantly and over the course of the next week.

While every one is different, there usually is some discomfort from the injections which could be followed by some redness, swelling, tenderness and slight bruising. But, in most instances, these side effects disappear, within a few days. In 2010, the FDA approved adding the anesthetic, Lidocaine, to the Restylane (and Perlane, as well), which has greatly reduced the discomfort of the procedures.

But, all in all –  the wonderful long-lasting effects of a non-invasive, non-surgical, no recovery time, no lost work, …“what price beauty” is a very tiny price, indeed.

Restylane, Perlane, Juvederm, Radiesse – the fabulous cosmetic fillers. The very names bring beautiful images to mind. Restful…pearlescent…youthful…radiant. Lingering still. Perhaps, forever.

OK, let’s talk. Since Cleopatra first lined her eyes deep with mystery, well, actually it was Henna, women have searched for, learned and mastered the art of looking beautiful and of accepting the natural aging process, but not the loss of beauty, style, or the youthful appearance of clear, fresh, vibrant skin at any age.

So what is the process of facial aging? Over time, the loss of ligament support and skin elasticity, loss or shifting of fat deposits and the inevitable pull of gravity do leave their marks. Wrinkles, deep grooves and folds, sagging cheeks or drooping eyelids, neck bands, “Marionette” lines and so on.

But enough! We know the signs. So what would Cleopatra do if she ruled the red “Nile” carpet from Beverly Hills to L.A. today?

Until quite recently, surgical face, brow, neck and eyelid lifts were the only available procedures. But for many people, they were just too costly, with varying levels of discomfort, recovery and down-time.

Then, in 2003, Restylane was the first hyaluronic acid facial filler approved by the FDA for the U.S. market. It was widely lauded and launched an exciting, even revolutionary, new era in the history of cosmetic dermatology. For this non-invasive treatment helped to fill the bags and sags and drops and droops of time and was now readily available for both royalty and all the smart, chic and sexy women like you.

By 2010, in seven short years, more than 10,000,000 Restylane procedures have been performed world-wide for men and women alike. These procedures were affordable, took approximately 30 minutes to perform, and lasted between 6 – 12 months each.

Because Restylane is so versatile, its uses are many. A “filler” does exactly what it says: it fills or plumps facial areas that have lost volume. The common hollows or “troughs” under your eyes or in your cheeks can be immediately “filled out.” The grooves or folds that run from your nose to your mouth are softened and the area around your chin can be rounded to diminish the appearance of jowls. Now we’re talking!

And there’s more: Lips that have thinned may be re-defined, “plumped and pouting” to reflect the latest and greatest L.A. glamor styles. Even the “puckering” smile lines above the lips may be smoothed and the downward turning corners of your mouth may now heed the call to “pucker UP!”

Restylane restores the soft and youthful contours of your face. If it had been discovered in 30 BC, Cleopatra could have ruled the world. What will you do?

Come back soon and learn about the actual Restylane procedure and possible side effects.

People often ask, “How can a product with an ‘OX’ in its name, do such magical things?” Because BOTOX does, indeed, create magic.

Deep frown lines, not only perform a disappearing act, but so do the extra years and the appearance of tiredness or negativity. It’s hard to have a “twinkle in your eye” when your brow is pinched and furrowed.

But there’s another benefit to the tiny BOTOX injections that is not as widely talked about. Let’s review, for a moment, what creates the wrinkle and what removes it.

Along with the natural loss of your skin’s elasticity, when a muscle contracts, the skin wrinkles. Then, over time, the wrinkle deepens, leaves an impression, or line, in the skin, much as many other repetitive actions leave their mark. With a few, strategically-placed BOTOX injections, the muscles relax and the lines diminish. Then disappear. Abracadabra.

Now here’s the added benefit. With continued use – and Botox may be easily administered every four months or so – and no muscle contraction, the wrinkles do not re-appear. The effects may last six to eight months, which will reduce the number or frequency of required treatments.

People also ask about the effects of BOTOX on surrounding areas of the injection site. “Will I be unable to make facial expressions? “Will I look stiff and unnatural?” “Will my face go numb?” Simply stated, no, no and no.

Only the muscle immediately creating the wrinkle will be relaxed. All the other facial muscles will remain unaffected. So, go ahead, “Oooooh and aaaaahhh” and “Whoop” away!

As for numbness, occasionally, the immediate area may feel a bit numb. But it will quickly resolve itself. It doesn’t need any treatment. No magic required.

Just as BOTOX was discovered as a magical treatment for facial wrinkles, quite by accident (it was originally used to treat eye disorders), new uses for this “most often requested beauty treatment”  – from BOTOX L.A. and BOTOX, BEVERLY HILLS to BOTOX the WORLD – are continuously emerging.

Will Botox ever be used to convert chocolate into one of the 5 major food groups? Probably not. Will it ever replace diet and exercise as an instant weight loss procedure?  Not so much. Will all of its current applications and discoveries be listed here right now? Oh, let’s not put the OX before the cart!

Visit again soon and learn all the other amazing things that BOTOX can do for you.

“Mirror, mirror, on the wall – when did I get those jowls??” Well, that’s not exactly what the vain and jealous Queen asked her magical mirror, daily. But with a little derma filler, it would have been a lot easier to get rid of the jowls than do away with Snow White.

Of course, the Queen had no idea what a derma filler was. Or why it’s needed. Or where. Do you? Are you sure? Let’s explore one of the major medical break-throughs that has literally changed the “face” of modern cosmetic dermatology.

While “wrinkles, crinkling fine lines and crow’s feet” are among the first things people think of to describe the aging process, there are other factors that might be even more telling. Over time.

Loss of facial volume, especially around the eyes, changing fat deposits and tissues responding to the inevitable pull of gravity and ligaments that lose elasticity are among a few of the changes that ultimately alter the fullness and youthful contours of your face.

These aging processes may result in the “hollows” under your eyes or in your lower cheek area. They may create the fatty deposits at the lowest points of your face that create the appearance of jowls. Or they might create folds or creases in the “Marionette” lines that run from your nostrils to the corners of your mouth (which, BTW, may suddenly seem to turn downward rather than keeping that “bow-like” appearance).

Ah, if the wicked Queen only knew what we know now.

In 1996, Restylane was the first “injectable filler” on the market. It was also the first hyaluronic acid filler to be approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration for injection into facial tissue for cosmetic purposes. If not exactly the “Fountain of Youth,” it’s, surely, hailed as the first running stream in the process. Its results were so remarkable, that by 2010, it’s estimated to have been used in over 11 million treatments, worldwide.

Hyaluronic acid is a natural substance that is already present in the human body and, therefore, very compatible and easily accepted into your own body. It even works with your body’s own moisture to create the long-lasting volume that your doctor places in the strategic areas where you need it most.

So – how does the treatment take place? How long does it take? How long will it last? Is it painful? Are there any side effects? Is there any down time? Is Restylane easily accessible in the L.A. area? How do you select the right doctor or practitioner?

Those are a few of the most asked questions; but you don’t need a magic Mirror to get the answers. Visit us again soon.

Since the Food and Drug Administration’s approval of Restylane in 2003, it has been used countless times in anti-aging treatments, including:

  • Lip enhancement
  • Reduction of the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles – especially Nasolabial folds (which are lines reaching from the nose to the mouth), fine lines on the outer corners of the eyes (known as crow’s feet) and expression lines in the forehead
  • Added volume to the face – such as the cheeks
  • Contouring – namely the nose, chin and forehead

Various skin care centers in Los Angeles and Beverly Hills provide Restylane injections, but it is important to find a reputable doctor with ample qualifications to reduce the risk of complications. Though it is not common to experience side effects, some patients might notice any of the following symptoms after Restylane injections:

  • Headache
  • Flu-like symptoms
  • Tenderness at the injection sites
  • Redness

There are many reasons as to why choosing an experienced doctor is important. When administering the injectable (Restylane, Botox, or Juvederm), the doctor must know the proper dosage amounts and injection locations as well as provide you with a high level of care throughout the entire process. To ensure that you’ve chosen the right doctor, ask the following questions during your initial consultation:

  • Ask about the doctor’s training and credentials. While a doctor may be highly educated in other areas of skin treatment, you want to make sure he or she is knowledgeable with an injectable such as Restylane.
  • Ask to see ‘before’ and ‘after’ pictures of previous patients to get an idea of the doctor’s performance.
  • Ask the doctor about the amount of Restylane you will need to gain satisfactory results. Since every patient is different, dosage amounts vary. In many cases, patients need to return for additional treatments or touch-ups to maintain the results.
  • Find out what you need to do to prepare for the treatment and what you can expect directly after treatment.
  • Understand all of the instructions – pre and post treatment – to avoid complications. Tell the doctor if you are on any medications so you can discuss a plan of action.

In Beverly Hills and Los Angeles, Restylane treatments are very common, despite this fact not everyone who advertises Restylane and Botox is experienced in those particular areas. It is essential to find a doctor who’s experienced and knowledgeable in the Restylane procedure to avoid any risks or complications. Visit a few skin care centers to compare treatment options before settling on a doctor.

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Our Specials

  • Botox $11 per unit (20 units minimum)*
  • Juvederm $750 per syringe*
  • 10% OFF Latisse
  • * New clients only

Meet Dr. Fedonenko

Dr. Fedonenko is a member of the American College of Physicians and is Board Certified in Internal Medicine.

She completed her Residency at the University of Virginia School of Medicine in 1998 and has since specialized in Cosmetic Dermatology.

She obtained additional training in aesthetic medicine procedures soon thereafter, and the results of her extensive training and experience show in each and every patient’s face. She’s a doctor that can truly been trusted with your skin care and anti-aging needs.

Our location

6221 Wilshire Boulevard,
Suite 102, Los Angeles, California 90048
Schedule Your Laser Skin Care Appointment Today! Make An Appointment