Laser hair removal is one of the most popular non-invasive cosmetic procedures performed today. It can be used on pretty much any area where you’d like to stop having to regularly shave, wax, tweeze, or apply depilatory cream. It has several advantages over other hair removal methods, ranging from eliminating stubble, skin irritation, razor burn, and ingrown hairs. It can help stop the hyperpigmentation that those with dark complexions can be prone to. But its big advantage is that it can provide a permanent solution by preventing hair regrowth and with it the need to regularly repeat the hair removal process.
Progressive Hair Removal
Laser hair removal uses the same principle wherever it’s used – energy from focused laser light pulses is used to heat up and damage individual hair follicles in the area being treated. All hair follicles go through periodic cycles where they grow and then lay dormant. Laser pulses only have the desired effect on hair follicles that are in their growth phase, and hence several treatments are needed to effectively treat all hair follicles in a given area.
Treated hairs don’t immediately fall out following treatment – they’re shed gradually in the days following each session. Some hairs may re-grow after falling out, but typically much finer and lighter-colored than before. As sessions are repeated, this re-growth slows and eventually stops altogether.
Underarm Hair Removal
Using laser hair removal under-arm is very similar to using it on other body parts. You may find that your under-arm hair is coarser than other parts of your body, and your armpit skin may be more sensitive and irritation-prone than other areas. You’ll find that laser hair removal will, over time, substantially reduce or eliminate this irritation.
Your practitioner will supply you with a list of several ways to prepare for the procedure, including avoiding using cosmetics, deodorants, and other lotions or creams immediately before treatment. You’ll need to avoid direct sun exposure for several weeks beforehand, as well as stopping using any artificial tanning products. You’ll be asked to shave the area being treated the day before treatment.
Underarms can be quite sensitive, and the laser light pulses can be uncomfortable. Your practitioner will use various techniques to minimize this discomfort, ranging from anesthetic sprays or lotions to the use of cooling jets or pads that numb the area being treated.
In common with laser hair removal in other areas, several laser removal sessions will be needed to permanently stop hair re-growth. You should expect to see increasingly fine hair re-growth after your initial sessions, as each hair removal procedure affects progressively more of the hair follicles.
Choose Your Practitioner with Care
Although the laser hair removal procedure is straightforward, it will pay you to carefully research who you use to perform the procedure. Lasers, although relatively simple to use, can be misused by inexperienced practitioners. You risk not only having to repeat the procedure more than necessary but also unnecessary irritation, burns or even scarring in the hands of inexperienced or inadequately trained practitioners.
Your Laser Skin Care
Your Laser Skin Care practitioners are medically qualified and highly experienced in performing laser hair removal procedures. We can provide expert advice on the best techniques to address your particular situation and will be happy to answer any questions or concerns you have. We also have extensive experience with a wide variety of other non-invasive cosmetic procedures and can help you choose the safest, most effective, and most cost-effective way to achieve your cosmetic goals. Call us at (323) 525-1516 to schedule a free consultation, or visit us online for more information.