Chemical peels offer a fast and easy way to address a surprising variety of different cosmetic issues. While they, of course, offer these benefits to both men and women, they’re beneficial for men, as they offer a fast, easy, and natural way to address skin flaws without having to resort to using cosmetics.
A very large variety of chemical peel products are available today – the choice depends on the particular condition (or conditions) that need to be addressed. They’re also available in a range of different strengths.
Chemical peels all work by accelerating the shedding of dead skin cells, revealing the new, undamaged skin cells beneath. They also help to stimulate the body’s natural production of collagen, a key part of the skin’s structure and vital for maintaining a healthy and youthful skin tone.
They can be used to effectively treat many different conditions, including the following.
Lines and Wrinkles
Chemical peels are an extremely effective way to combat fine lines and wrinkles, either developed due to excess sun exposure or as part of the natural aging process. They can also be used to address more pronounced lines and wrinkles by using a more aggressive chemical blend.
Uneven Skin Pigmentation
Chemical peels offer a practical way to reduce uneven skin pigmentation, either as a result of excess sun exposure or due to other causes, including genetic. They can be used to fade out areas containing excess melanin pigmentation, either in extended areas or in small spots.
Uneven Skin Texture and Scarring
Chemical peels can be used to even out or balance areas with irregular texture, as well as areas with scarring. They can be used to reduce acne scars, but they can also help to reduce visible scars caused by past injuries or surgery.
Prominent Skin Pores
Chemical peels can’t reduce the size of your skin pores, but they can help to make them less prominent and visible.
Dry Skin
Chemical peels are available for many different skin types, including dry skin. They can be used as a way to hydrate dry skin while also helping to reduce further acne infections.
Your Laser Skin Care
Your Laser Skin Care practitioners are medically qualified and highly experienced in using different chemical peel products to address many different cosmetic issues. We can provide you with expert advice on how best to address your particular concerns, and in particular, with choosing the product or products best able to achieve your goals. Call us at (323) 525-1516 to schedule a free consultation, or visit us online for more information.