Unfortunately for many of you spider veins are a reality. The blue-ish veins are visible through the skin on the legs.
Spider veins can be troubling for many for aesthetic reasons. So right now, while a lot of the U.S. is still wearing pants due to winter weather temperatures, it is a good time to start treating these veins before beach season starts. In addition, treatment usually means patients need to limit their sun exposure for up to two months.
Why do veins become a problem in our legs?
Veins help blood flow upwards, which, as we all know, is a nothing short of a miracle thanks to gravity. Therefore, leg veins are more susceptible to faulty valve functioning. Pressure on the walls of veins will cause stretching and weakening. Eventually, it will reduce the functionality of a vein.
Do women have to worry more about spider veins?
Actually, yes. They are more prone to spider veins. This is due in part to pregnancy. Pregnancy means weight gain and changes in hormones. Yet men can also get abnormal veins, as well.
Other risk factors, besides pregnancy, include obesity/weight gain, leg-related illnesses, aging, prior injuries or prolonged periods of standing. Genetics can also be a factor.
What do spider veins feel like?
Unfortunately, there can be a throbbing feeling. The veins can also produce:
• Rashes and Redness
• Itching
• Inflammation
Your Laser Skin Care uses the latest technology to treat spider veins. Our Laser Vein Therapy is a safe and effective treatment. We can also address other skin concerns, such as birthmarks, port wine stains and rosacea. Our Yag laser utilizes high-intensity light to penetrate skin tissue. It delivers heat to the targeted areas while protecting the upper layers of skin with cryogen. There are minimal side effects. For more information please visit us online at www.yourlaserskincare.com.
To learn more about Laser Vein Therapy, or our many other services including Botox and Latisse, please call us today at (323) 525-1516